Glossier Play First Impressions + Honest Makeup Review

FINALLY the girl posts a video.

First of all... I am so sorry it's taken me so long to edit this. I literally filmed this Glossier Play First Impressions + Review video back in the beginning of MARCH and its now the middle of April... haha my bad. Anyway, I had a lot of fun making this, I know that I basically just complained about plastic through the entirety of this video, but I do think it's important, and Glossier isn't the ONLY company using a ridiculous amount of plastic in their products and in their packaging. Plastic is a huge problem in general, and not just in makeup as well. The more we talk about shit like that, the more people are aware of the amount of waste they are creating etc.

I hope you enjoyed this Glossier Play Review, and I can't wait to go film more makeup videos. I think I might even venture into creating plant videos as I have become obsessed with houseplants and they make me SO happy.

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